Students planting a garden

Cornell Botanic Gardens Resources

Botanic Buzzline: Guide to Creating Pollinator Habitats

Beyond Bees: species that pollinate

Cornell University Resources

Pollinator Network

New York State Integrated Pest Management Program: 360 degree pollinator garden tour

Xerces Society

Website home page

Pollinator Conservation Resource Center

Pollinator Partnership

Website home page

Pollinator Partnership eco-regional planning guide (If you live in New York, select “Eastern Broadleaf Forest”)


Enrich your life with pollinators

Pollinating insects are good for the planet, for plants, and for you!


Four ways to welcome native bees

Zaidee Powers Rosales, integrated pest management specialist at Cornell Botanic Gardens, shares the joys of native bees and four easy ways to make outdoor areas welcoming to them.


Connecting with nature through mindfulness meditation

Enjoy the health benefits of time among pollinators and plants.